Friday, September 09, 2005

My Fabulous Wife; Sudoku; Lost Time

Recently Finished Reading: Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

My wife is fabulous. Do you know what she did? Well see, our anniversary is coming up next Saturday on the 17th. She already knows what I got her (she's very impatient when it comes to presents and insists we play 20 questions until she gets it right). I didn't know what she was planning to get for me until this afternoon.

Man knocks on the door. Odd thing for mid-afternoon but I check it out. It's the UPS guy. Package with CC's name on it. Came from the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop. Yeah, you can already tell I was excited right? :-)

So she gets home. This time, *I* play the 20 questions. Only took me 3? Maybe 4 :-) She got me this FABULOUS t-shirt. You see, on the 19th, the Cowboys will be honoring three of their best, Troy Aikmen, Emmit Smith, and Michael Irvin. There's going to be a ceremony and everything. WELL there's an official shirt that goes with that and that's what she got me. The Cowboys from my favorite teams. The Cowboys who won the three Super Bowls.

Them's my boys :-)

My wife ROCKS :-)


There is a game. It is called Sudoku. It is good.

Each week in the Life Magazine insert in your local paper (if you get Life) there is a new puzzle. I've written about it before. It's a HIGHLY addictive game for folks who like puzzles. Mostly what I like is that it doesn't require that you learn all those obscure words and trick phrases of a crossword.

Anyway, I'm adding links to various Sudoku pages. Three of them were added today.


I've lost a HUGE chunk of time messing with the blog page again. Don't ask. Suffice to say, it's now almost 2 am and I'm just now finishing up and going to bed.

Actually I shouldn't call it lost time. Given how sore my shoulder is I probably would have lost the time anyway by tossing and turning for a while. Better that it was productive time at least, right? :-)

Have a great weekend!


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