Thursday, September 08, 2005

Damn Vulcans; Are you Ready For Some Football?

Just Finished Reading: Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

No I'm not asking the Vulcans if they're ready for football. Two separate topics. Let's start with those annoying, green-blooded, pointy-eared logic worshipers. One of em snuck into the bedroom Tuesday night and hit me with that damn Vulcan nerve pinch thing. I woke up yesterday morning in PAIN. That's pain in all caps so you know just how bad it was.

Oh it's no thing really that serious. It's just a pinched nerve somewhere around my right shoulder. Hurts like hell and has me walking like Frankenstein's monster once in a while but it's not serious. I get these maybe once every other year. Always happens at night and usually lasts two days or so. I must be on some regularly scheduled exam cycle for the Vulcans. They sneak in, do the nerve pinch, do whatever their experiments are, then they leave and I have to layer myself in Ben Gay with a heating pad on my shoulder for two days.

The worst part is sleeping. It's damn near impossible to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Last night, well, let's see, it was going on 2 before I went to bed. Then I remember laying there, tossing and turning for a while trying to find a spot that would work. It woke CC up and she gave me a massage that helped. I slept restless though.

Damn Vulcans.


Good news! The day we football fans have been waiting for is finally here! Well no, wait, ONE of them is finally here. Dione Sanders isn't going to be thrown out of the country for dressing like a pimp and trying to sound smart. And no, this is not the day that Terell Owens gets the crap beaten out of him. And no, it's not the day T.O. and Randy Moss go one on one in a cage fight. It's the OTHER day we've been waiting for :-) Football season officially starts TONIGHT! The games count now!

It's been a pretty dull pre-season. I guess that's why most of the stories tended to focus on Philadelphia's troubles and Randy Moss. Oh yes, and Jerry Rice retiring. Other than that it's just been statistics and predictions. Hopefully that won't be an indication of the season to come. I know that the whole free agency thing is really leveling the playing field, and that's great. Nice to see different teams in the play-offs. It's also nice to know that while your favorite team may have really played like crap LAST year, this year they might win it all.

Ok, ok, probably not. It'll probably be the Patriots again. But you never know. An injury here, a trick play there and we may see the Cardinals with Super Bowl rings.


But seriously folks, it's football season tonight! WOO HOO! I'd be pumping my arm in celebration if it weren't for those damn Vulcans.


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