Tuesday, September 06, 2005

More Stuff

Currently Reading: Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

Sorry, just can't come up with any clever names for today's blog entry . . .


A few more rants about the hurricane . . .

Rant 9: Seriously folks, it really ISN'T Bush's fault. None of it is. He doesn't control the weather nor does he control any of those little federal agencies that deal with this sort of thing. Further, bitching about it being Bush's fault is counter-productive. He's not up for reelection. Slinging mud at him now only shows how petty and inept the mud-slinger is.

Rant 10: A variation on an earlier rant. Let's get this straight folks, it's not the job of the federal government to protect you from everything under the sun. Disasters will happen. Don't blame the government for them. They'll try and help you out of something hits you bad but there's a limit to what they can do. Most of the help is going to come from the state.

Rant 11: It's not a racial thing damnit, get that through your head! I have heard this all weekend, "oh they didn't work fast enough because we's all poor and black." Or "the gov'ment is working slow on purpose 'cause we's poor and black." Doesn't have a damn thing to do with it. The government doesn't work fast enough for anyone because moving slow is the ONE thing that government is good at. Do you see any of Mississippi or Alabama finished already? Of course not. Now, the governors from those states are a little more on the ball with their disaster preparations but that's got nothing to do with race. That's just better planning. Besides, let us not forget that there is more to Louisiana than New Orleans.

Rant 12: Some of the folks who have been relocated are starting to get on my nerves. Don't get me wrong, most folks seem to be pretty damn thankful that they were rescued and they're just waiting until they're allowed to go back to New Orleans where they'll start rebuilding the city. But there are others who just can't seem to shut up. They complain about being labled refugees. They complain that they weren't saved fast enough. They complain that once they were saved, they weren't given enough . . . anything. These folks seem to have gotten it in their heads that the rest of us owe them something. We owe them a new house or new belongings because their stuff got flooded out when the levy broke. Much as I sympathize with them about what happened, we don't owe them squat. They'll be taken care of because that's what we do here in the US when folks get hit with a disaster. But to start making demands of the rest of us is pretty damn rude. Maybe they'd feel better if all the rescuers just packed up and went home?


Had a busy weekend. At CC's office there are two trainees from the Philippines who have come over to work at the home office for a month. We took them out to the zoo on Sunday (a beautiful day for a zoo trip) and then out to the mall on Monday. CC and I both feel old now.

Honestly, I don't know WHERE these two girls get their energy from but if we could bottle it we'd never have to worry about energy ever again. They were pretty much constantly in motion. It's cute at first, to see someone so excited about everything but after a while, it more points out how little energy YOU have.

We all had a great time though and the girls did manage to get most of their shopping done. Lots of pictures were taken, even a few short video clips. A great way to spend the long weekend.


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