Sunday, August 21, 2005

Very Slow Weekend

Currently Reading: Roadwork by Stephen King

Well, it's been a VERY slow weekend, as the title says. It's been SO slow in fact that I really don't have much of an opinion on anything at the moment. I'm sort of just floating along, enjoying the scenery as it goes by.

Saturday night we went over to my parents' church for their annual A Night On Broadway show. There were some heavy laughs this year, including one very appropriate Elvis appearance.

Other than that, nothing of note has happened really. Oh, sure I could type and type about every little detail but you'd just get bored and move on to another blog so I'll keep it short for a change.

One last thing, it's DAMN hot out there. You been outside lately? It just hits you right as you walk out the door. No exaggeration here, I work up a sweat just walking down the stairs to the truck. That's how hot it is out there.

Hmm, maybe that's why the weekend was so slow. No one had the energy to do anything worth mentioning :-)


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