Saturday, August 27, 2005

Favorite Football Team, BUNday

Finished Reading: Roadwork by Stephen King

Had a bit of a Bun day today. CC's been working some really long hours lately, and some pretty strange ones too, so I sat down last night and came up with a short list of things we might do today to help brighten her mood (I'll let her go into detail on her blog).

First on our list was to see a movie. She wanted to see Brothers' Grimm. No objection there. Looked ok from the previews but after I learned it was a Terry Gilliam movie I was able to overlook Matt Damon's presence :-)

On the way home from the movie, we stopped at Target. In the shower, well, like most showers, there just isn't enough shelf space, at least not if there's a female in the house. As a guy, eh, one bar of soap, a shampoo, maybe a liquid soap, but that's about all we really need. CC, on the other hand, has a rather large collection of soaps in various scents and uh, well some of em do different stuff I suppose. I'm a guy, cut me a little slack here :-)

Anyway, we've gone through two shower caddies already. They just don't seem to last very long. You stick em up, they stay just fine for a while, then BAM! And usually that BAM comes right in the middle of some quiet part of a movie or when you're just starting to drift off to sleep. SO, new shower caddy today.

We then stopped at the little gym here at the complex. Treadmill for me, stair-climber for CC, then we both hit the weight machine. Yes, that's right, you read it correctly, I actually did some of that physical fitness stuff. I don't actually mind it much when CC is there. It's a bit boring otherwise and I'd have to take a radio. Besides, I get a decent amount of energy just tending to the two hellhounds of mine :-)

And then home :-) I was in need of a nap by then so I took one. CC decided to make dinner. We had a filipino dish, sort of a pork stew with potatoes. Came out great if you ask me. Somehow she's managing to find these filipino dishes that DON'T involve really gross stuff like steamed duck eggs (complete with duck embryo inside) or recipes that call for animal parts I've never seen outside of the biology lab :-)

So, a rather busy day was topped off by a great meal and some general laziness. I had a great time and CC looked to be in a MUCH better mood as she slipped into slumber. She'll sleep well tonight I'm sure :-)


People keep asking me this so I decided to give it a little thought: What is my favorite football team? Tough question actually. I'm a football fan, that's for sure. Of the sports out there, I enjoy watching football first, then baseball. Now, this doesn't count playoffs. Basketball finals are pretty exciting and so is the Stanley Cup. I'm talking about just during the regular season.

10 years ago this was an easy question to answer. Dallas Cowboys, no question. Hell 5 or 6 years ago it was still Dallas. But you know, this will be me 6th season living outside Texas and because of that, I've lost touch with the boys a bit. We don't get to see all the games like I used to. Now I only see the ones that are the national game of the week and given the way they've been playing lately, that's not many games.

Worse, they haven't really gotten any great players anymore. Guys like Testeverde and Bledsow don't count. They're old vets on their way to retirement. I'm talking about the younger, energetic guys that a team is built around. Back during their most recent peak, you had Aikman and Emmit and Irvin. Ok, Irvin was a bit of a jerk, but the other two, great guys, plus you can't leave out Moose Johnson and Jay Novechek (I know that's not how it's spelled). But those years have long passed. Moose and Troy are in the booth now and Emmit will be soon.

So, who is my favorite team? I really don't have one anymore. What I've got instead is a sort of informal list that I use to compare teams on the basis of which one I like the least. It's a conditional thing that determines which team I'll pull for in any given GAME but not necessarily the whole season.

I like the Colts. They seem pretty decent. The Patriots are pretty ok too. The Packers, of course. You gotta love the Packers. But even so, conditions exist were I might pull for other teams instead. For example, Patriots vs Colts? Pull for the Colts. Colts vs Cowboys or Packers? Tough call. Might pull for whoever happens to be playing the best that day.

What's easier is to pick the teams I DON'T like. I don't like the Eagles. Never really liked the Eagles. Never been all that thrilled with McNabb and his AMAZING ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Don't much like Atlanta either. Too many people with big heads down there. Still can't bring myself to cheer for the Titans. When they were in Houston, and still the Oilers, they were a HUGE source of frustration. They don't seem to have changed much. New players, new jerseys, different name, new location, same old Oilers.

So there you go. I don't really have any favorite team at the moment. This is good and bad. Good in that it allows me to enjoy more games every week rather than grumbling when my chosen team looses. Bad though because I don't have a foundation really to work with. Should I go into a store and that store has t-shirts from various teams, which one should I pick?

One of these days I'll settle on one team again. Hey, who knows, maybe the Cowboys will pull things together, make it onto the game of the week more often and I'll be an official fan again. Right now though, the only team I can honestly say I back 100% is a team that doesn't exist anymore. It's the one with my old buddies Emmit and Troy, who managed to win three Super Bowls. Nice to see they're still doing well in their retirement :-)


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