Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Freeform Ranting

Currently Reading: Roadwork by Stephen King

So many things to rant about, so little time :-)


What the hell is wrong with Pat Robertson? Granted I never was a big fan of his to begin with and I tend to see viewing The 700 Club as a form of punishment but I always figured that was a matter of taste. Some folks like to get their churching from a guy with helmet hair.

Then he goes off on one of the WILDEST tangents ever seen by saying we should assassinate the president of Venesuela. I actually had to read that one a few times myself. Of course, earlier today he claims that he never SAID anything about assassination (wink wink) only that we should "take him out" (wink wink). Right. I'm sure Pat just meant take him out to dinner.

Seriously though, there is something fundamentally wrong with a tv preacher talking about having somebody whacked. That's the sort of thing you reserve for the mob guys on The Sopranos. What's REALLY twisted though is that he doesn't seem to notice the HUGE disconnect between being a preacher and suggesting MURDER. Well, let's face it, we're not at war with Venesuela last I checked so what Pat's advocating is a murder for hire. You know, I've read the Bible and I don't recall there being anything in there saying it's ok to have someone "taken out" (wink wink). Usually when someone tries something like that, God goes all Old Testament and wipes out, oh, I dunno, a city? The first-born? Whatever strikes his fancy at the time.


What the hell is freeform poetry? Sometimes you see it labled as blank verse or free verse but that's not really accurate. They're close though.

I look at these things and what first comes to mind is, "Hell this ain't poetry. This is some guy who didn't have much to say, decides to write it down anyway and hits the 'return' key at the end of each line instead of letting the word-wrap handle things." Then I see someone writing about it saying how POWERFUL it was that the artist (artist???) didn't bother to use capital letters, punctuation, or even correct grammer. What is this hidden, powerful message? That the writer was public school educated and slept through his English class?

Let's face it folks, there's only one form of poetry that can fit neatly in a cell phone text message and that's haiku. Let's put an end to this nonsense.


We're now at tne end of August and so far the "best reviewed movie of the year" is The 40 Year Old Virgin. This is wrong on too many levels to list here.

Now, I don't have a problem with this movie getting such great reviews. Obviously a whole lot of critics out there really like it. I'm sure it's damn funny and hell I may even see it myself one of these weekends. My problem is that we've almost reached September and this is the best Hollywood has offered us so far. Are they planning on cramming in a HUGE cluster of movies during that last week in December so they can all compete for an Oscar nomination? Sadly, I find myself hoping that's the case because right now I shudder to think who would get the nods if they went out today.


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