Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Slow Time; Knocked Up Fish

Currently Reading: The Once And Future King by T. H. White

This happens every year. The week before Christmas is slow time. I'm not quite sure how the physics works but right around the Winter Solstice, right around Christmas, time, as we know it, slows down to a crawl!

It doesn't seem to matter how busy I am, if it's the week leading up to Christmas, nothing takes as long as it used to. A trip to the store which would normally take an hour suddenly only takes 5 minutes. Reading a book? Well if a chapter usually took 30 minutes for you to digest, you can bet you'll have that baby put away in 10 minutes flat.

I bet if I looked out the window right now I'd see leaves falling in slow motion :-)

And it's not like I've been sitting here just waiting for Christmas to come. Friday was PACKED with little things to do as we prepared for the big cookie frosting festival. Then Saturday WAS the cookie frosting festival. Sunday CC and I went to see The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (excellent film by the way). That movie was 2 and a half hours long and we STILL got home with plenty of time to spare in the day.

Yesterday I finished up all the things around the house that hadn't gotten done already. Wrapped presents, baked MORE cookies (this time oatmeal) and even with all that thrown in there I had time to read several chapters of The Once and Future King and even watch TV.

I know there's something going on out there with time. I can feel it. :-)


My guppy got knocked up. No wait, let's be fair, she was knocked up when I got her. Oh yes, it's true. I thought maybe she just had an eating problem or something and had put on some weight. She also liked to wear big coats around the tank but I thought she was just used to warmer water, you know?

No, it's true, she was knocked up. I looked last night, skinny as the male guppy. Then I see something odd in the fake plants. Two EYES floating around in there. Apparently baby guppies are pretty much all eyes. They're like 80% eyes. Must be because the other fish will eat them. Having big eyes allows them to see who's eating them so that when they are reincarnated, they can come back for revenge :-)

Anyway, I have no idea how many sets of eyes are hiding in the tank. Could be 2, could be more. Could be they've all been eaten and are planning to come back some time next year as a poor, helpless kitten that finds itself stranded on our doorstep needing a home. We shall see :-)


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