Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Please Do Not Try To Adjust Your Set

Currently Reading: Man in the Iron Mask By Alexandre Dumas

You ever experience lost time? Sometimes they call it missing time too. Usually it's associated with people who do drugs or drink a lot or are just plain crazy. It's time you really can't seem to account for. Gone. It's a big hole in your memory. I experience that very same feeling every time I start playing around with a web site, especially when I'm adjusting colors and graphics. Today, for example, I spent well over an hour adjusting the colors on this page. When you get right down to it, it's not THAT much different from what it looked like yesterday and yet, there goes an hour.

I'm also going to list which book I'm reading now. Why? Think of it as my version of Oprah's Book Club only with better selections and a MUCH broader range of interest. Besides, who knows, maybe one day someone who reads the blog will actually need/want to discuss one of the books I'm reading or have read. You never know right?

One of these days I may get around to doing a list of all the books I HAVE read. No, wait that would take WAY too long. Even longer if I actually put in a mini-review. I think for now I'll just stick with the "currently reading".

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