Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Oh Those Crazy Europeans

Currently Reading: Man in the Iron Mask By Alexandre Dumas

Are people in other countries so obsessed about gaining the world's approval? I have to wonder these days. Tomorrow is the big swearing in ceremony for W and there is such a shrill cry coming over from across the Atlantic. Mostly it's from Old Europe, the usual suspects, France & Germany. I half expect them to start demanding their "right" to vote in OUR election.

What's so great about getting the approval of Old Europe anyway? What makes them so hot? A couple of good writers? Some great painters? The food? Hey, the Germans may have given us beer but I think we've more than returned the favor over the years :-)

Funny, you don't see this sort of thing coming out of Asia. Oh sure there are plenty of people in Japan, China, Korea, The Philippines, etc., who don't agree with us on one thing or another and that's just fine. But you don't see the Japanese prime minister lamenting to the press about not having a US President able to address the Japanese government in Japanese (the way Chirac did).

I think someone needs to tell Old Europe to get over themselves. Time to join us in the 21st century.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve-Just browsing through your blog.

What's up with Old Europe? That's where you lot originally came from. LOL. And 'they're' attitude is what forced the rest to 'emigrate.' :-D

Don't mind me, I'm just talking out of my ass. Carry on.
