Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Howling Jack!

Currently Reading: The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead by Max Brooks and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Ok, here's what happened. Two weeks ago we took the doggies to the vet for a check-up. Katya has been scratching and itching a bit and I thought maybe it was just her usual, yearly attempt to yank out her undercoat and speed up her shedding. The vet says she's got allergies and points to the few little sores she's got on her. That's what she's been scratching.

The solution to this problem is an oatmeal bath for her. No big deal for me. I just have to take her to work with me and let her soak in the oatmeal shampoo for 10 minutes. Simple right? Sure it is. Well, I decided to take JUST her with me to work because Jack doesn't really like going to the salon. He doesn't like getting a bath either and since he didn't NEED one, I saw no reason to take him with us. I leashed up Katya and the whole time, Jack was hiding over by CC with a look on his face that said he REALLY hoped he wasn't going to get called out.

So Katya and I leave. Jack is home with CC all afternoon. The first hour or two, he gets a little moody and CC gets it on tape.

Sheesh you'd think he'd be a little happier that he finally got the whole apartment to himself right?

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