Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Election Year Reading

Currently Reading: The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead by Max Brooks and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Yup, we're in another election year. Only way you can avoid hearing about it until your head explodes is to turn off your TV, lock the doors, don't listen to the radio, close all the windows and pull down the blinds. Don't go online, don't read your e-mail. Pretty much just go into hiding in a cave somewhere and have no contact with anyone or anything until next January. Yes, I know the election is in November but we're still going to keep hearing about it until they swear in whoever won.

And what do I think about the whole mess? Not much. In fact, these days I try to do as little thinking about it as possible. When I do let my mind wander into the realm of politics these days the one thought that most frequently comes to mind is: this is the best we can do?

There's a very old saying that states, "you get the government you deserve." There's a derivative version about how people who don't actually participate and vote have no business criticizing the government. I used to believe that second one right up until the primaries this year. After all that arguing, all the money thrown around, political ads, debates, etc., this is what we get? These two guys? Our choice is between the young, dashing, Chicago politician and the seasoned, veteran Senator. I'm trying to make this sound as positive as I can mind you. Our real choice is between the somewhat scary Chicago politician who talks a good game but who hasn't actually PRODUCED anything in all his years in politics (and don't let that Chicago label slip by you; we're talking a MAJOR hotbed of corruption there), and on the other side, a long-time Washington insider who, because he occasionally argues with his own party, got the label of maverick.

To put it even more bluntly, we've got two versions of more of the same. No, not more Bush. McCain isn't Bush, at least not current Bush. He may be Papa Bush, but he's not Baby Bush. And, in a return to the great stage, we have Jimmy Carter. So, Bush vs Carter? This is what we're dealing with here? And they wonder why young people don't vote. Imagine you're 18, fresh out of high school, first semester of college, or worse, that you're 21, just missed the LAST election and this is your first chance to vote for president. What a choice eh?

So, in the spirit of the grand game we're playing this October (and I'm not talking Baseball here folks) I've decided to break with my usual habit of reading only one book at a time and I've gone and picked out TWO that I think are appropriate for the season. I'm reading Atlas Shrugged, the classic and LONG novel about what happens when the folks who actually DO the work in the world say "to hell with this" and just stop. And on a lighter note, I'm reading the Zombie Survival Guide which is perfect for dealing with the more practical aspects of any election year. Both are FULL of useful information that should allow me to maintain my sanity until January . . . I hope :-)

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