Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Lazy Days of Summer

Currently Reading: Hunters of Dune by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson

You sure can tell it's summer out there can't you? You've got your usual rising temperatures and crowded pools. The kids are out of school so the clothes you see are even weirder than usual. Of course we'll all be hearing more about global warming. Every summer, same thing. It's hot in July so that MUST be from global warming. We'll hear about it again once the annual wildfires start up. Oh yes, and there are floods in Texas again. Same thing every 5 to 10 years. You get hot and dry for a while. Everything just evaporates. Lakes and rivers turn to mud. Then BAM they get a foot or more of rain in a few hours and everything floods. Just part of the usual cycle.

It's really starting to slow down out there too. Have you looked at the newspaper lately? Good thing Paris Hilton got out of jail when she did. Reporters were having a hard time coming up with something to write about.

At work, we go through a pretty big rush this time of year. A lot of people with dogs believe that their dog will be cooler with less hair so they come in to have them shaved down. Then you've got your outdoors types who take their dogs boating. A dog that smells like any lake or river down here is in dire need of a bath let me tell you. They also often get shaved so they'll dry faster. And the pool owners are always bringing their dogs in for a shave. All that dog hair clogs up the filters you see. So while everyone else slows down or goes on vacation, this is a very busy season for us.

On the upside, all that extra work makes it easier for us to save a little for the down times. It also means we don't have to be quite as careful about our spending as we usually are. It's pretty cool to look at a bill that's a tad higher than last month and think, "you know what? Doesn't matter. We got that covered." :-)

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