Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A New Look and a Long Week

Currently Reading: A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami

I finally got my 3-day weekend and it was mostly unproductive, which is good because I've got a long week ahead of me. Before this 3-day weekend came along I actually worked 2 weeks with only one day off in the middle. Things are in a state of flux at work you see. First, I got called in to cover for the other bather who decided to quit (without telling anyone) and then on Sunday our second groomer did the same thing. We managed to replace the bather pretty quickly and with someone who, so far, is doing a great job. Replacing the groomer will take a bit longer though.

What makes all this really stressful is that the grooming manager, our ONLY groomer right now, is going on vacation next week. Can't fault her for that. She's had her vacation plans on the calendar for months and she's definitely due some time off. Plus, her vacation involves travel which means hotel and transportation and reservations and so forth so she just can't cancel everything on such short notice. So what are we to do? Next week, starting Monday, it'll be me and the new bather and that's it. I'll probably be a little tired when it's all over :-)

There were some positives this past week. CC got me a new aquarium. Initially it was going to be for the guppies but then she saw the goldfish at the store and wanted a pair. We put them in the little hex where the guppies were but it was just too small. So rather than raise unhealthy goldfish, I told CC we could move them to the big tank and then move a couple of guppies into the hex. So that's what we did. We now have guppies, which mostly stay at the top of the tank,

and goldfish, which mostly stay at the bottom of the tank. So far there haven't been any incidents between guppy and goldfish though at one point this morning one of the goldfish smacked the other one while they were eating. He was defending his territory.

CC and I also went to our first Tuesday night dance class and that was great! There weren't nearly as many people there which meant that, for a change, we could actually practice the steps over and over again without having to dodge other people. During the Sunday classes the dance floor can be a little crowded and we're always turning at the last moment or taking a sudden side-step to avoid getting run over by someone :-)

It's nice going to the dance class though. For one solid hour, sometimes longer, I don't have to worry about work problems or family issues or ANYTHING other than dancing the foxtrot or tango. It's sort of like a mini vacation.

Finally, you may have noticed that I changed the look of the blog. It's been due for a while. I've been using the same template since the middle of last year, same colors, same pictures. Last night I was doing some surfing looking for new templates, then I was over at the Marvel site just for the hell of it and at some point I put the two ideas together and came up with a Captain America template. Why Cap? Well, it's how I've been feeling a bit lately. Always coming to the rescue when someone else drops the ball. That's probably how I'll be feeling next week while I try to keep the customers happy even though we'll be seriously limited in what services we can offer.

Besides, Cap is a guy from the 40's. Betcha HE knew how to foxtrot and tango without stepping on anyone :-)


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