Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Just Finished Reading: Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay

Well that certainly was a bit of a letdown. Halloween ended at around 8:00. That's the last time anyone knocked on the door trick or treating. Worse, we hardly had anyone come all night. I know we're on the third floor and all but still.

I even made sure not to buy as much candy as last year because we had so much left over. Well, we STILL have a lot left over because hardly anyone came. Clearly it's not the holiday it used to be. Somewhere along the way Halloween lost its thrill. Even the movies on TV tonight were pretty bad. Used to be horror movies on just about every channel. Now, hardly any.

I wonder if this sort of thing happened everywhere or just here in our apartment complex.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually Halloween is the 2nd biggest Holiday in the U.S. Don't ask me where.